The expression of atypical zeta-protein kinase C (PKC) was examined du
ring prenatal and postnatal rat brain development. Immunoblot as well
as transcript analysis revealed a dramatic increase in expression at 2
-3 days post-birth, which declined thereafter and remained at levels o
bserved in the adult brain. The expression of zeta-PKC precedes that o
f the other PKC isoforms in developing rat brain. Subcellular fraction
ation of pup and adult brain documented distribution between all three
distinct fractions (A,B,C), including the low speed pellet composed o
f nuclei. In adult brain, the kinase was enriched in the A fraction of
the sucrose gradient. Specific substrate proteins of zeta-PKC were ch
aracterized in each of the subcellular fractions from both pup and adu
lt brain. Four predominant proteins pp76, pp60-doublet, pp54 and pp45
were identified as zeta-PKC endogenous substrates. All four proteins w
ere phosphorylated on serine residues, while the pp60-doublet was also
phosphorylated on tyrosine. The pp60-doublet was the most predominant
substrate, specifically enriched in the A fraction of a sucrose gradi
ent of adult brain and immunoprecipitated by monoclonal antibody to pp