Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) has become a good alternativ
e to nasogastric tube feeding and surgical gastrostomy. The procedure
requires two practitionners, one of them being an endoscopist. The tec
hnique can be performed either under local or general anesthesia, at b
edside or in an operating room or endoscopic room, using a one step bu
tton or first setting of a catheter and secondly a button, by pull tec
hnique in which the button is pulled through eosophagus or push techni
que were the button is pushed through the parietal wall. Its is used t
o deliver enteral nutriments in patients who need tube feeding. In pae
diatrics practice, morbidity rate related to PEG is less than 1% and m
orbidity less than 10%. PEG appears as a simple, safe, practical, esth
etic and cheap procedure.