The main purpose of the sociology of reading is determining, through t
he analysis of reading data, the social processes actually at work in
society. This article analyses the results of sociological research do
ne by the research staffs of libraries in Kazakhstan between 1991 and
1994. It focuses also on the problems faced by the sociology of readin
g in Kazakhstan, where such research was previously considered by the
authorities as purposeful only in solving the practical problems of li
braries. Today, reading in Kazakhstan is characterized by frequent cha
nges in readers' demands caused by the dramatic changes in ideology, p
olitics and economics in the constituent parts of the former Soviet Un
ion. Reading in Kazakhstan is becoming more utilitarian. Pragmatic inf
ormation needs determine the choice of literature. There is a sharp de
cline in the demand for fiction compared to the 1980s. Those intellect
ual spheres in which ideological control was severest, such as history
and philosophy, flourish and effect reading. Finally, the decision of
independent Kazakhstan to encourage the use of the Kazakh language is
having an effect on reading patterns.