The peak vertical velocities predicted by three realistic, but contras
ting, present-day scenarios of Antarctic ice sheet mass balance are fo
und to be of the order of several mm/a. One scenario predicts local up
lift rates in excess of 5 mm/a. These rates are small compared to the
peak Antarctic vertical velocities of the ICE-3G glacial rebound model
, which are in excess of 20 mm/a. Lf the Holocene Antarctic deglaciati
on history portrayed in ICE-3G is realistic, and if regional upper man
tle viscosity is not an order of magnitude below 10(21) Pa . s, then a
vast geographical region in West Antarctica is uplifting at a rate th
at could be detected by a future Global Positioning System (GPS) campa
ign. While present-day scenarios predict small vertical crustal veloci
ties, their overall continent-ocean mass exchange is large enough to a
ccount for a substantial portion of the observed secular polar motion
(Omega ($) over right arrow m) and time-varying zonal gravity field J(