The ingestion of a meal stimulates absorption from the jejunal lumen a
nd is dependent on intact neural pathways, Few studies of ileal absorp
tive responses to a meal have been performed. This study tested two hy
potheses: (1) a meal stimulates ileal glucose, water, and ion absorpti
on, and (2) intact intestinal neurotransmission is necessary to mainta
in the basal and meal-stimulated absorptive states in the ileum. Absor
ption studies (n = 50) using C-14-labeled PEG were performed on six do
gs with 25-cm ileal Thiry-Vella fistulas (TVF), Four groups were rando
mly studied over 4 hr. Intraluminal oxethazaine (2 mg/dl) was administ
ered to the TVF in Groups 2 and 4 after the 1st hour to produce neural
blockade. A control volume of water was administered to the TVF in Gr
oups 1 and 3 after the 1st hour. A 480 kcal meal was ingested at the e
nd of the 2nd hour in groups 3 and 4. Ileal water, ion, and glucose ab
sorption were increased significantly (P < 0.05) by the ingestion of a
meal. TVF oxethazaine significantly reduced (P < 0.05) basal water an
d ion absorption but had no effect on meal-stimulated absorption. Ilea
l absorption of water, ions, and glucose is significantly increased by
the ingestion of a meal. Basal ileal absorption appears to be partly
dependent upon intact neurotransmission. Postprandial ileal absorption
appears to be independent of neural blockade, implicating circulating
hormones, paracrine mediators, or neurotransmission within the myente
ric plexus of the enteric nervous system as the primary modulators of
meal-stimulated ileal absorption. (C) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.