Background: Mucinoses represent a puzzling and heterogeneous group of
rare diseases, and self-healing juvenile cutaneous mucinosis is an ext
remely rare disease among them. Observations: A scleroedematous condit
ion of the face, associated with papular lesions and arthropathies, ha
d occurred in a 5-year-old boy 10 days after onset of fever, arthralgi
a, muscle tenderness, and weakness. Results: Histologic examination re
vealed an edematous dermis, occupied by mucin. Skin lesions and the jo
int swellings disappeared spontaneously after 2 months. At the follow-
up 5 years later, the patient remains in excellent health. Conclusion:
Although exceptional, this entity has a well-defined clinical picture
, marked by manifestations that are initially worrisome but which, sur
prisingly, prove to be temporary and benign.