The author first reviews some of the main forces and historical develo
pments that have shaped the young specialty of geriatric psychiatry. E
mphasis is placed on the integrative and collaborative nature of the p
sychiatry of old age. This includes its relationship with the parent f
ield of psychiatry, geriatric medicine and the broader field of geront
ology. An outline of the future for the field is presented which highl
ights the need for academic credibility and responsiveness to service
delivery issues. Because future trends in mental health delivery are l
ikely to continue to give priority to the severely mentally ill and to
emphasize cost-effectiveness, geriatric psychiatrists are well poised
to meet the challenges of the coming generation. However, a strong fu
ture depends ultimately on the ability of the field to recruit bright
young psychiatrists who bring inquisitiveness, enthusiasm and a social
commitment to a vulnerable elderly population.