Dichromated gelatin has been established as the most frequently used r
ecording material for the production of holographic optical elements.
New applications are being found for photopolymers in previously unexp
lored areas such as holographic interconnect systems, However, photogr
aphic emulsion from the beginning has been and continues to be the mos
t used holographic recording material. This is due to its relatively h
igh sensitivity and ease of processing, the availability of improved p
rocessing chemistries and commercial films, and the repeatibility of t
he results. We analyze different sources of noise in photographic emul
sions (such as intermodulation noise, noise gratings, and nonlinear no
ise) and the influence of the photochemical process on those noise sou
rces. Bleached emulsions using rehalogenating and solvent processes ar
e considered, and silver-halide-sensitized gelatin is discussed as a m
edium for transmission holograms. New developers and new noise models
are presented on the supposition that the nonlinear response of the re
cording material is due to the photochemical process.