Eighteen patients with medically intractable Parkinson's disease that
was characterized by bradykinesia, rigidity, and marked ''on-off' fluc
tuations underwent stereotactic ventral pallidotomy under local anesth
esia. Targeting was aided by anatomic coordinates derived from the MRI
, intraoperative cell recordings, and electrical stimulation prior to
lesioning. A nonsurgically treated group of seven similarly affected i
ndividuals was also followed. Assessment of motor function was made at
baseline and at S-month intervals for 1 year. Following the lesioning
, patients improved in bradykinesia, rigidity, resting tremor, and bal
ance with resolution of medication-induced contralateral dyskinesia. W
hen compared with preoperative baseline, all quantifiable test scores
after surgery improved significantly with the patients off medications
for 12 hours: UPDRS by 65%, and CAPIT subtest scores on the contralat
eral limb by 38.2% and the ipsilateral limb by 24.2%. Walk scores impr
oved by 45%. Medication requirements were unchanged, but the patients
who had had surgery were able to tolerate larger doses because of redu
ced dyskinesia. Ventral pallidotomy produces statistically significant
reduction in parkinsonism and contralateral ''on'' dyskinesia without
morbidity or mortality and with a short hospitalization in Parkinson'
s disease patients for whom medical therapy has failed.