We recently provided evidence that newborn rat olfactory bulb (OB) cou
ld be maintained in serum-free organ culture with combinations of insu
lin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and basic fibroblast growth factor (b
FGF), both of which are locally synthesized. Des (1-3), or truncated,
IGF-I is a potent analog of IGF I isolated from rat and human brain. W
e proposed in this study to examine the effects of des (1-3) IGF-I on
cell function, morphology and on neuronal and glial cell differentiati
on in our cultured OB model, using cell-specific immunostains for neur
ons (150 kDa neurofilament) and glial cells (glial fibrillary associat
ed protein- GFAP). OB were cultured in Iscove's serum free medium cont
aining IGF-I or des (1-3) IGF-I both alone or in combination with bFGF
. Dose dependent responses of C-14 amino acid uptake showed des (1-3)
IGF-I to be 3-5 fold more potent than IGF-I with a half maximal respon
se at about 20 ng/ml in comparison to 100 ng/ml of IGF-I. The maximum
response to IGF-I +/- bFGF was seen at 150 ng/ml; a ten-fold higher do
se of insulin +/- bFGF was required to achieve the same response. Whil
e morphology was close to fresh 6 day OB following culture with IGF-I(
150 ng/ml) and bFGF (25 ng/ml), the substitution of des (1-3) IGF-I at
50 ng/ml markedly improved morphology. Neurons were identified follow
ing culture in IGF-I or bFGF alone, but showed greater organisation in
the mitral layer following combined IGF-I/bFGF culture. However, in c
ontrast to IGF-I (150 ng/ml), des (1-3) IGF-I (50 ng/ml) supported mar
ked neuronal expression. Furthermore, when des (1-3) IGF-I (50 ng/ml)
was substituted for IGF-I, in combination with bFGF, the pattern of en
hanced neuronal expression in the mitral layer was very close to that
seen in the fresh 6 day bulb, with dendrites projecting to the glomeru
lar layer. In OBs treated with no growth factors, or either IGF-I, des
(1-3) IGF-I or bFGF alone, glial expression was widespread and poorly
organised, suggesting an injury response. In contrast, following trea
tment with combinations of bFGF with IGF-I or des (1-3) IGF-I, a more
ordered, though enhanced glial response was seen in glomerular and gra
nule cell layers. This study using an OB organ culture system suggests
that des (1-3) IGF-I, which may be derived from brain, is a potent su
pporter of viability and differentiated cell growth and organisation i
n the newborn rat olfactory bulb.