The far-infrared spectrum of gaseous CH3SiH3 has been measured with a
Fourier transform spectrometer between 180 and 380 cm(-1) under relati
vely large pressure-path length conditions. The absorption path length
was 124 m and the pressure was 20 Torr. Measurements were made at roo
m temperature with an unapodized resolution of 0.01 cm(-1). A congeste
d spectrum due to the overlap of several pure torsional bands has been
observed. A total of 576 transitions from the (upsilon(6) = 3 <-- 1)
torsional band have been identified, involving 15 different (K, sigma)
subbands, where sigma = 0, +1, -1 labels the different torsional subl
evels. The upper torsional state of this band (upsilon(12) = 0, upsilo
n(6) = 3) is significantly perturbed by the upper level (upsilon(12) =
1, upsilon(6) = 0) in the E(1) vibrational fundamental(upsilon(12) =
1 <-- 0) reported earlier (Moazzen-Ahmadi et al., J. Mel. Spectrosc. 1
37, 166, 1989). The (K = 6, sigma = -1) vibrational subband for Delta
K = -1 shows resonant perturbation. The identification of the (P)Q(6)(
-1) subband has now been extended in J above the value where the inter
acting levels have their minimum separation. Two perturbation-allowed
(upsilon(6) = 3 <-- 0) transitions have also been assigned. The measur
ements of the (upsilon(6) = 3 <-- 1) band and frequencies from previou
sly reported experiments were fitted to within the experimental uncert
ainty by an effective Hamiltonian which included 22 parameters for the
ground vibrational state, 10 parameters for the upsilon(12) = 1 vibra
tional state, and 2 parameters which characterize the interactions bet
ween these two states. The global data set contained 2607 frequencies.
The form of the effective Hamiltonian is severely constrained by the
large number of precision data on various torsional levels in the grou
nd vibrational state and the excited vibrational state (upsilon(12) =
1, upsilon(6) = 0). The effective Hamiltonian for a vibrational fundam
ental of E(1) symmetry and the interactions between the torsional stac
k of this state and that of the ground vibrational state are discussed
in detail. (C) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.