Background: A spontaneous perforation in the area of the small intesti
ne, in particular of the jejunum, is an absolute rarity. It can occur
after a sprue or an unspecific jejunitis or ileitis as well as with le
ukaemia, metastases and with a specific illness, the extranodale enter
opathy-associated malignant non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of the small intest
ine. Patients and Methods: During the period of 12 years a total of 4
patients, whose symptoms and clinical course were typical of this illn
ess, were treated in our hospital. In one of the patients a malignant
histiocytosis was diagnosed, that corresponds to an outdated definitio
n and has to be assigned to the malignant lymphoma as an independent e
ntity. The very typical course of a patient's illness is described in
detail. Results: All patients showed a typical course of their illness
. A prominent feature was the rate of perforation in the area of the s
mall intestine, particularly of the jejunum, which was combined with a
malabsorption syndrome. Conclusion: A spontaneous perforation of the
small intestine leads one to assume that a malignant extranodale non-H
odgkin's lymphoma may be present. The preceding clinical results mostl
y give the impression of a malabsorption syndrome. The surgical treatm
ent is the resection of the perforated part of the small intestine, as
the danger of recurrence is very high.