Jones has cast the problem of estimating the pure state \psi] of a d-d
imensional quantum system into a Bayesian framework. The normalized un
iform ray measure over such states is employed as the prior distributi
on. The data consist of observed eigenvectors phi k, k = 1,,..., N, fr
om an N-trial analyzer, that is a collection of N bases of the Hilbert
space Cd. Th, desired posterior/inferred distribution is then simply
proportional to the likelihood of Pi(k=1)(N) \[psi\phi(k)\(2). Here, J
ones' approach is extended to ''the more realistic experimental case o
f mixed input states.'' As the (unnormalized) prior over the d x d den
sity matrices (rho), the recently-developed reparameterization and uni
tarily-invariant measure, \rho\(2d-1), is utilized. The likelihood is
then taken to be Pi(k=1)(N) [phi(k)\rho\phi(k)], reducing to that of J
ones when rho corresponds to a pure state. In the case of a pure state
, however, the associated prior and posterior probabilities are then z
ero. Some analytical results for the case d = 2 are presented.