This study examined alveolar bone turnover and orthodontic tooth movem
ent after appliance decay. One group of rats (N=54) received orthodont
ic force (40 g initial activation) while the other (N=36) was sham-tre
ated. Groups of six rats were sacrificed at various times following ac
tivation. Tooth movement and appliance decay were monitored cephalomet
rically, and bone turnover was monitored locally by histomorphometry a
nd phosphatase chemistries and systemically by serum phosphatase and o
steocalcin changes. A significant association was found between spring
forces assessed by direct measurement and by cephalometric images (R(
2)=0.784; p=0.02). The cephalometric method indicated appliances were
at least 93% deactivated by day 16. Tooth movement continued beyond th
e point of appliance decay (p<0.001). This was accompanied by a dramat
ic decline in osteoblast surface (p<0.0001) and an increase in osteocl
ast surface to control levels (p<0.001). A significant peak in bone fo
rmation rate was also noted around appliance decay (p=0.005). Serum ac
id phosphatase and osteocalcin also increased after appliance decay (p
<0.05), but alkaline phosphatase did not. Bone acid phosphatase was ch
aracterized by a peak after appliance decay (p=0.0004), but alkaline p
hosphatase remained depressed (p<0.0001). These data demonstrate that
significant amounts of alveolar bone turnover continue for an indeterm
inant period following appliance decay.