Experimental infection of piglets with a fecal pool containing hepatit
is E virus (HEV) strains Osh-25 and Osh-228 confirmed previous results
obtained with HEV strain Osh-205 on susceptibility of these animals t
o hepatitis E. A biphasic increase of transaminase activities, histopa
thologic changes in the liver, virus excretion with feces were observe
d in the animals. The genome of viral particles in piglet feces confor
med, at least partially, to human HEV RNA. Ultrastructural abnormaliti
es of piglet hepatocytes resembled those in primates with experimental
hepatitis E. The number of positive results (during follow-up of the
particles and HEV RNA in various organs of experimental animals) was t
he highest on day 10 after unfection. Both the particles and HEV RNA w
ere present in the lymphoid tissue over the entire follow-up period, f
rom day 5 to day 15 postinfection.