Pv. Ivanov, MACROKINETICS OF HYDROLYTIC POLYCONDENSAT ION OF ORGANOCHLOROSILANES (REVIEW), Vysokomolekularnye soedinenia. Seria A, 37(3), 1995, pp. 417-444
This work is a first publication summarizing the results of studies of
the effect of macroscopical factors on the direction of hydro;lytic p
olycondensation of organochlorosilanes and the composition of products
. We included in this review the results of investigation of macrokine
tics of the process in question and the published data from which nece
ssary information can be obtained. The effect of such factors as inten
sity of mixing of the components of reaction system, the order in whic
h the reagents are introduced, phase and aggregative states of the rea
ction system are considered. The review also contains information on t
he following questions: determination of the reacting phase and the zo
ne in which the reaction occurs, finding the sections of conode lines
corresponding to phase quasi-equilibrium, first results of numerical a
nalysis (UNIFAC method) of the problem of quasi-equilibrium between th
e phases. In the initial stages, the reaction of hydrolytic polyconden
sation of organochlorosilanes is heterogeneous as it follows from the
limited mutual solubility of water and or- ganochlorosilanes. Under th
ese conditions, in those parts of the reaction system which contain or
ganic components and also at the interfacial boundary, the reaction pr
oceeds via the mechanism of partial. hydrolysis. It was shown that in
this case the growth of siloxane chains begins as reaction of heterofu
nctional polycondensation of organochlorosilanes and products of hydro
lysis. Therefore, the reaction of heterofunctional polycondensation is
the main mechanism which determines the composition of products forme
d at the initial stages of the reaction of hydrolytic polycondensation
of organochlorosilanes. The extent of this reaction is the main param
eter in terms of which one can describe formation df organosilanols, o
rganocyclosiloxanes, branched organopolysiloxanes, as well as gel form