In order to elucidate the significance of the adenoma-carcinoma sequen
ce in gastric carcinogenesis from a genetic point of view, we examined
microsatellite alterations (replication error and loss of heterozygos
ity) on chromosomes 2p (D2S123), 3p (D3S1317), 5q (D5S409), 9p (IFNA),
and 13q (D13S153) as well as p53 gene mutations in 13 adenomas and 23
differentiated adenocarcinomas including 8 early carcinomas of the st
omach. Replication error was detected in only one of the adenomas (8%,
1/13) at the D5S409 locus and in none at the other loci, and loss of
heterozygosity was also an infrequent event found in one adenoma (14%,
1/7 informative cases) at D5S409 and in none at the other loci. A p53
gene mutation was detected in one (8%, 1/13) of the adenomas. Thus, m
icrosatellite alterations and p53 gene mutations are rare events in ad
enomas. In differentiated adenocarcinomas, replication error was detec
ted in 4 (17%, 4/23) at single or multiple loci, and loss of heterozyg
osity was observed frequently at D3S1317 (25%, 3/12), D5S409 (67%, 6/9
), and IFNA (26%, 5/19). Mutations in the p53 gene were detected in 9
(39%, 9/23) of the differentiated adenocarcinomas. Microsatellite alte
rations on several chromosomes and mutations in the p53 gene were freq
uent in differentiated adenocarcinomas, even those at an early stage.
These results suggest that the adenoma-carcinoma sequence is relativel
y rare in gastric carcinogenesis, and that the majority of differentia
ted adenocarcinomas of the stomach may develop through a de novo pathw