The applicability of the REFLA/TRAC code, which is one of best-estimat
e codes based on two-fluid model, was assessed for a typical small-bre
ak loss-of-coolant accident (SBLOCA) transient of PWR. The main assess
ment subject was to investigate whether the physical models in REFLA/T
RAC can apply to the transient under SBLOCA condition (high pressure/l
ow flow rate) or not. The applicability had been verified under low pr
essure/low flow rate condition during reflood phase in large-break LOC
A transients of PWR. The assessment calculation was performed for Run
SB-CL-05 (5% cold leg break SBLOCA test) in the ROSA-TV large-scale te
st facility. The REFLA/TRAC almost predicted the thermal-hydraulics in
primary loops while the hydraulic models should be improved for regio
ns at the pump side of loop seal and at the up-flow side of steam gene
rator tube under CCFL condition. The core thermal-hydraulic models in
REFLA/TRAC give better prediction for core full-height differential pr
essure and the peak clad temperature (PCT) than those in original TRAC
code. The PCT by the models in TRAC was lower about 100 K than the me
asured one but the PCT by those REFLA/TRAC was lower only about 40 K.