A study of 883 mothers with children aged 0-9 years was undertaken in
Kilifi district on the Kenyan coast in order to examine child malaria
treatment practices. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used to
investigate: whether complications of childhood malaria were recogniz
ed; decision-making dynamics in treatment-seeking; and the extent and
reasons for the use of proprietary treatment. Childhood malaria was pe
rceived as a mild, everyday illness, not preventable but treatable. Th
e link between malaria and mosquitoes was not recognized. Mothers reco
gnized convulsions, anaemia and splenomegaly but did not link them to
malaria. Antimalarial drugs were not given or were withdrawn from chil
dren suffering from these conditions. Ill children were treated prompt
ly by purchase of over-the-counter drugs at retail outlets. The health
education implications of these findings are discussed.