Acrylic resin mixtures are now widely used as embedding media for the
preparation of tissue sections. Most of these mixtures are based on 2-
hydroxyethyl methacrylate (glycol methacrylate, GMA). Resin embedding
preserves tissue components far better than paraffin, celloidin or fro
zen sections. The present review describes the basic principles and tr
ouble shooting, in particular: the chemical and physical properties of
GMA, and components used for GMA mixtures; fixation of tissues for re
sin embedding; methods for dehydration; microtomy; stretching on water
and mounting in relation to the final dimensions of GMA sections; sta
ining of GMA 3embedded tissue sections; and the use of GMA resins in i
mmunohistochemistry. In addition, standard, step by step procedures fo
r embedding tissues in GMA is included.