The wizards and the gatekeepers were unhappy. There were many reasons
for their unhappiness. They worked hard but felt that too much was bei
ng demanded of them. The poorly people's charter was resulting in unre
alistic expectations, and changes in the apprenticeship for wizards we
re putting great strain on their mentors. The wizards enjoyed their wo
rk less and less, and it was getting difficult to find new gatekeepers
. On the other hand, the way the system worked meant that there had to
be plenty of goblins and the number of scrolls that had to be filled
in was rising sharply. The wizards and gatekeepers tried to point out
ways to improve things that would ensure that poorly people were bette
r treated, but there was no easy solution. With the ominous sign that
the recruitment of wizards and gatekeepers was becoming more difficult
, an answer was needed- and soon.