The influence of menhaden fish oil and other oils on the fatty acid co
mposition of the egg was studied. Diets containing 1.5% menhaden oil,
1.5% corn oil and no oil added were fed to 50 hens. The menhaden oil d
iet increased the composition of C-14:0, C-16:1, C-18:1, C-18:3 omega
3', C-20:5 omega 3 and C-22:6 omega 3 in the eggs but decreased C-18:2
omega 6 and C-20:4 omega 6 compared with the corn oil diet. The conce
ntration of C-20:5 omega 3 was greater than C-22:6 omega 3 in menhaden
oil, but move C-22:6 omega 3 was found in eggs than C-22:6 omega 3. A
significant increase in total omega-3 PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty ac
ids) occurred in the eggs after feeding the menhaden oil diet for 5 da
ys and the concentration continued to increase through day 15. Dietary
fats tend to produce a fatty acid pattern in eggs similar to that of
the diet and varies with the oil source concentration. Most fatty acid
profiles in egg yolks were altered within 15 days after hens began to
consume test diets.