Eggs of Myrmeleotettix palpalis, Aeropedellus varigatus minutus and Da
syhippus barbipes (Orthoptera, Acridoidea) comprised c.42% fresh weigh
t of water, and their mean individual egg fresh weight was 3.4mg. Eggs
of M. palpalis had the lowest water content (28% of fresh weight), wh
ereas the other two species ranged from 46 to 52%. These were equivale
nt to 0.3, 1.1 and 1.1g.g(-1) dry weight. Mean supercooling points of
eggs varied little between species and ranged from -22.8 to -25.9 degr
ees C although individual eggs had supercooling points of between -30.
5 and -35.0 degrees C. Three compounds (glycerol, mannitol and trehalo
se) occurred in the eggs in concentrations of c.0.1% of fresh weight,
insufficient to influence their supercooling potential. Thermal condit
ions close to the soil surface of their steppe grassland habitat are v
ery severe as temperatures below -30 degrees C occur each year in Janu
ary and there is only a 3-month active period (mid-May to mid-August)
for these species. The overwintering survival strategy of such eggs ma
y be based an an increased capacity for supercooling enhanced by natur
al dehydration in their soil surface habitat.