The cytomorphology of lacrimal gland lymphoma has not been specificall
y described. Herein we present six cases of histologically proven lacr
imal gland lymphoma which we analyzed using fine-needle aspiration cyt
ology, cell suspension immunophenotype analysis, and immunoglobulin ge
ne rearrangement studies. Fine-needle aspiration cytology revealed aty
pical populations of cells comprised of either monomorphic small round
lymphocytes with or without plasmacytoid features (4 cases), a mixed
population of small and large irregular lymphocytes (1 case), or a pop
ulation of large irregular lymphocytes (1 case). The initial cytologic
diagnosis was malignant lymphoma in all six cases. Cell suspension im
munophenotype analysis demonstrated that the lesions were composed pre
dominantly of B-cells that expressed monotypic surface immunoglobulin.
Three cases demonstrated an immunoglobulin heavy chain gene rearrange
ment. The atypical cytologic features and the abnormal immunophenotype
were consistently predictive of malignant lymphoma. Given that these
lesions are small and biopsy material is often limited, fine-needle as
piration offers the advantage of providing tissue that is ideal for cy
tologic and cell suspension immunophenotype evaluation, obviating the
need to provide surgical biopsy material for this purpose. We conclude
that fine-needle aspiration can identify malignant lymphoid lesions o
f the lacrimal gland and may serve as a valuable adjunct in the assess
ment of these lesions. Additional study is warranted to determine whet
her fine-needle aspiration can reliably distinguish between benign and
malignant lymphoid proliferations of the lacrimal gland. (C) Wiley-Li
ss, Inc.