A new model potential is constructed for Li+-H2O, based largely on ab
initio calculations of the monomer wavefunctions. The electrostatic en
ergy is calculated using distributed multipoles, the induction and dis
persion energies are calculated using damped multipole series, and the
repulsion energy is assumed to be proportional to the charge density
overlap integral. The model potential has a shallower well than most p
revious potentials; the smaller well depth is in agreement with new hi
gh-level supermolecule ab initio calculations. Spectroscopic data for
Li+-H2O are not yet available, but will provide a rigorous test of the
potential, so bound-state calculations of intermolecular vibration-ro
tation energy levels are performed in this work. The fundamental vibra
tional wave-numbers are found to be 357 cm-1, 538 cm-1 and 532 cm-1 fo
r the out-of-plane bend, in-plane bend and intermolecular stretch vibr
ations, respectively.