The availability of high D-T fusion neutron yields at TFTR has provide
d a useful opportunity to measure directly D-T neutron-induced radioac
tivity in a realistic tokamak fusion reactor environment for materials
of vital interest to ITER. These measurements are valuable for charac
terizing radioactivity in various ITER candidate materials, for valida
ting complex neutron transport calculations, and for meeting fusion re
actor licensing requirements. The radioactivity measurements at TFTR i
nvolve potential ITER materials including stainless steel 316, vanadiu
m, titanium, chromium, silicon, iron, cobalt, nickel, molybdenum, alum
inum, copper, zinc, zirconium, niobium, and tungsten. Small samples of
these materials were irradiated close to the plasma and just outside
the vacuum vessel wall of TFTR, locations of different neutron energy
spectra. Saturation activities for both threshold and capture reaction
s were measured. Data from dosimetric reactions have been used to obta
in preliminary neutron energy spectra. Spectra from the first wall wer
e compared with calculations from ITER and with measurements from acce
lerator-based tests.