Ic. Gomes et Dl. Smith, CHARACTERIZATION OF NUCLEAR TRANSMUTATIONS IN MATERIALS IRRADIATION TEST FACILITIES, Fusion engineering and design, 28, 1995, pp. 610-617
This study presents a comparison of nuclear transmutation rates for ca
ndidate fusion first wall/blanket structural materials in available fi
ssion test reactors with those produced in a typical fusion spectrum.
The materials analyzed in this study include a vanadium alloy (V-4Cr-4
Ti), a reduced activation martensitic steel (Fe-9Cr-2WVTa), a high con
ductivity copper alloy (Cu-Cr-Zr), and the SiC compound. The fission i
rradiation facilities considered include the EBR-II (Experimental Bree
der Reactor) fast reactor, and two high flux mixed spectrum reactors:
HFIR (High Flux Irradiation Reactor) and SM-3 (Russian reactor). The e
stimated transmutation and displacement per atom (DPA) rates in these
test reactors are compared with the calculated transmutation and DPA r
ates characteristic of a D-T fusion first wall spectrum. In general, p
ast work has shown that the displacement damage produced in these fiss
ion reactors can be correlated to displacement damage in a fusion spec
trum; however, the generation of helium and hydrogen through threshold
reactions ((n,x alpha) and (n,xp)) are much higher in a fusion spectr
um. As shown in this study, the compositional changes for several cand
idate structural materials exposed to a fast fission reactor spectrum
are very low, similar to those for a characteristic fusion spectrum. H
owever, the relatively high thermalized spectrum of a mixed spectrum r
eactor produces transmutation rates quite different from those predict
ed for a fusion reactor, resulting in substantial differences in the f
inal composition of several candidate alloys after relatively short ir
radiation time. As examples, the transmutation rates of W, Ta, V, Cu,
among others, differ considerably when the irradiation is performed un
der a mixed spectrum reactor spectrum and under a fusion first wall sp
ectrum. The out-of-core positions in mixed spectrum reactors can be pa
rtially shielded against low energy neutrons, e.g. by hafnium, to redu
ce the transmutation rates, but the displacement rates at these positi
ons are much lower than those for the core positions. Fast reactors (E
BR-II) provide the only possibility for obtaining high damage rates wi
thout producing significant compositional effects in vanadium alloys,
ferritic steels and copper alloys.