(1) In mouse mammary gland development, immunoreactive tenascin (TN) i
s expressed in the dense mesenchyme surrounding the epithelial compone
nt of 14-day embryos, endbuds at puberty, and tumors. (2) Cells that p
roduce TN are myofibroblastic and are characterized by nuclear invagin
ations, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and pinocytotic vesicles. These c
ells are not normally present in the stroma of mammary glands but pres
ent in cancer stroma, originating probably from fibroblasts differenti
ated under the influence of TGF-beta 1 stimulation. (3) Breast cancer
cells are capable of synthesing TN under certain conditions. TN-non-pr
oducing MCF7 cells can produce TN when co-cultured with embryonic fibr
oblasts or with their conditioned medium. (4) Nine primary human breas
t cancers were examined for TN expression by in situ hybridization. TN
mRNA was expressed in all nine cases in the stroma and in four cases
in carcinoma cells as well, (5) Immunohistochemistry for TN was perfor
med in human breast cancers, and it was found that the five-year survi
val after surgery was markedly lower in the group whose cancer cells w
ere negative for TN. TN expression in cancer cells appears to indicate
poor prognosis.