The flow of information in the sensorimotor cortex may determine how s
omatic information modulates motor cortex neuronal activity during vol
untary movement. Electrophysiological recordings and neuroanatomical t
racing techniques were used to study the connections between the prima
ry somatosensory cortex (SI) and the vibrissal representation of the p
rimary motor cortex (MI) in rodents, Intracortical microstimulation (I
CMS) was applied to the vibrissal region of the motor cortex to identi
fy a site from which stimulation evoked movements of the vibrissae. Mo
vements of only a single whisker were evoked by applying low-intensity
stimulating current to particular locations within MI. A single injec
tion of either horseradish peroxidase (HRP) or biocytin was made at th
e stimulus site in each animal, to retrogradely label cells in the som
atosensory cortex. Receptive field (RF) responses were recorded from n
eurons in the barrel cortex to identify the sensory cortex representat
ion of the same whisker that responded to ICMS. The site at which neur
ons responded predominately to manual stimulation of this particular v
ibrissa was marked by a small electrolytic lesion. The projection from
the somatosensory cortex to the identified whisker representation in
the motor cortex was determined by mapping the location of labeled neu
rons in tissue sections processed for either HRP or biocytin. The rela
tionship of the labeled cells in SI to the barrel structures was deter
mined from adjacent sections that were stained for cytochrome oxidase.
In all cases, the barrel column associated with the relevant whisker
contained labeled cells. Surrounding barrels also contained labeled ce
lls, although fewer in number. Very few labeled cells were found in no
n-contiguous barrels. These results show that the SI to MI projection
is somatotopically arranged, such that the sensory cortex representati
on of a whisker is morphologically connected to the motor cortex repre
sentation of the same whisker. Thus, sensory information is relayed to
MI from the relevant whisker region in SI. Adjacent whisker regions a
lso appear to relay somatic input, but presumably to a lesser degree.
A second group of animals received single small injections of the ante
rograde tracer, Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin, to an electrophysi
ologically identified whisker representation in the sensory cortex. A
single narrow column of labeled fibers was found in the motor cortex f
ollowing such injections. Thus, the sensory cortex appears to relay so
matic information from the vibrissae to restricted regions of the moto
r cortex in a somatotopically organized manner. Furthermore, the stimu
lus-evoked whisker movements suggest that certain features of the outp
ut map of the motor cortex are discretely organized. These input/outpu
t relationships suggest that complex information processing within the
vibrissal sensorimotor cortex is highly organized.