In academic medical centers, there is increasing concern about the dim
inishing supply of clinical investigators and the amount of clinical i
nvestigation being conducted. This study developed and evaluated an in
strument designed to measure characteristics of a successful researche
r. All assistant professor faculty in the tenure track at this researc
h university were sent a two-page survey. Analyses revealed that 50 pe
rcent of the items significantly discriminated successful and less-suc
cessful researchers. A factor analysis of these items produced four st
able factors: research activities, mentoring, local networks, and scho
larly habits. A backward stepwise discriminant analysis revealed that
only two of the four factors were needed to effectively identify succe
ssful researchers, These two factors were research activities and scho
larly habits, The rate of correct classification of the two-factor equ
ation was such that 92 percent of the successful researchers were corr
ectly identified. Testing this instrument in other academic settings w
ould help to determine its generalizability.