The objective of this study, was to determine whether in growth-retard
ed fetuses secondary to uteroplacental insufficiency the cardiac ventr
icles exert a force different from that of appropriately grown fetuses
. Doppler echo-cardiographic studies were performed in 156 appropriate
ly grown fetuses (gestational age 18-38 weeks) and in 72 growth-retard
ed fetuses (gestational age 24-36 weeks) free from structural and chro
mosomal abnormalities and characterized by Doppler changes in the umbi
lical artery and middle cerebral artery suggesting uteroplacental insu
fficiency as the most likely etiology of the growth defect. Right and
left ventricular ejection force values were calculated from velocity w
aveforms recorded at the level of aortic and pulmonary valves, accordi
ng to Newton's second law of motion. In appropriately grown fetuses, l
eft and right ventricular ejection force values significantly increase
d with advancing gestation and the two ventricles exerted similar for
ce. In growth-retarded fetuses, the ventricular ejection force was sig
nificantly and symmetrically decreased in both ventricles. Among growt
h-retarded fetuses, a poorer perinatal outcome was observed in those f
etuses in which the ejection force of both ventricles was below the 5t
h centile of the normal limits for gestation. In 12 growth-retarded fe
tuses followed longitudinally during the last week preceding intrauter
ine death or Cesarean section due to antepartum heart-rate late decele
rations, a significant decrease of ejection force was found in both ve
ntricles. Finally, a significant relationship was found between the se
verity of acidosis and light and left ventricular ejection force value
s in 22 fetuses in which Doppler recordings were performed immediately
before cordocentesis. In conclusion, in growth-retarded fetuses the f
orce exerted by the ventricles was symmetrically reduced and the degre
e of impairment seemed to be related to the severity of fetal compromi