The complex combination of synoptic- and mesoscale interactions, topog
raphic influences, and large population densities poses a multitude of
challenging problems to winter weather forecasters throughout the eas
tern United States. Over the years, much has been learned about the st
ructure, evolution, and attendant precipitation within winter storms.
As a result, numerous operational procedures, forecast applications, a
nd objective techniques have been developed at National Weather Servic
e offices to assess the potential for hazardous winter weather. An ove
rview of the challenge of forecasting winter weather in the eastern Un
ited States is presented, including a historical review of several leg
endary winter storms, from the Blizzard of 1888 to the Halloween Nor'e
aster of 1991. The synoptic-scale features associated with East Coast
winter storms are described. The mesoscale nature of many eastern wint
er weather events is illustrated through an examination of the Veteran
s' Day Snowstorm of 11 November 1987, and the Long Island Snowstorm of
13 December 1988. The development of applied forecast techniques and
the potential for new remote sensing technologies (e.g., Doppler weath
er radar and wind profilers) and mesoscale models to improve operation
al forecasts of winter weather hazards are also discussed, Companion p
apers focus on cyclogenesis, terrain-related winter weather forecast c
onsiderations in the Southeast, and lake effect snow forecasting.