Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or endotoxin elicits a broad, non-specific ca
scade of events in vivo, resulting in secretion of a variety of potent
mediators and cytokines produced primarily by activated macrophages a
nd monocytes. The overproduction of these effector molecules, such as
interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha, contributes to the path
ophysiology of endotoxic shock. Cellular recognition of LPS involves s
everal different molecules, including cluster of differentiation antig
en CD14. A thorough understanding of the interaction of LPS with cells
of the immune system is necessary before effective preventative or th
erapeutic measures can be designed to limit the host response to endot
oxin. This review discusses the role of CD14 and other LPS-recognition
molecules in LPS-mediated macrophage activation.