Single station solar wind velocity measurements using the Ooty Radio T
elescope (ORT) in India (operating at 327 MHz) are reported for the pe
riod August 1992 to August 1993. Interplanetary scintillation (IFS) ob
servations on a large number of compact radio sources covering a latit
udinal range of +/-80 degrees were used to derive solar wind velocitie
s using the method of fitting a power law model to the observed IFS sp
ectra. The data shows a velocity versus heliographic latitude pattern
which is similar to that reported by Rickett and Coles (1991) for the
1981-1982 period. However, the average of the measured equatorial velo
cities are higher, being about 470 km s(-1) compared to their value of
400 km s(-1). The distribution of electron density variations (Delta
N-e) between 50R. and 90R. was also determined and it was found that D
elta N-e was about 30% less at the poles as compared to the equator.