Reactive arthritis (ReA) and Lyme arthritis together comprise a pair o
f chronic inflammatory diseases of the joints. Although differing in d
etail, these relatively rare diseases are related in their immunopatho
logy to the much commoner rheumatoid arthritis (RA), for which they se
rve as both model and control. The trigger for rheumatoid arthritis is
unknown, but for these rarer diseases triggering occurs by certain we
ll-defined bacterial infections. Arthritis is an uncommon outcome of t
hese infections, for reasons unknown, and the development of chronic,
as distinct from brief, arthritis is even rarer; again, the reasons ar
e unknown. Not only does knowing the trigger greatly assist us in unde
rstanding these diseases, so also does knowing the contrasting pattern
of Th1 versus Th2 cytokines observed in RA and ReA. ReA and Lyme arth
ritis are here considered in the wider setting of infections where chr
onic morbidity arises first from hypersensitivity, and perhaps finally
from autoimmunity, such as occurs in some of the major tropical disea
ses. The immunology of ReA and Lyme disease is surveyed in detail, con
centrating on T cells and including an update on the Lyme vaccine(s).
Additional sections deal with the enigma of HLA B27, with epidemiologi
cal findings relevant to the chronicity of ReA and to the need for enl
arged prospective studies of ReA in the setting of a developing countr