The control of cell survival is of central importance in tissues with
high cell turnover such as the lymphoid system, and its disruption may
be a critical step in tumorigenesis. Genes homologous to bcl-2, the o
ncogene implicated in human follicular lymphoma, play a key role in re
gulating physiologic cell death (apoptosis). Bcl-2 and its relatives b
cl-x and bax encode intracellular membrane-bound proteins that share h
omology in three domains with a wider family of viral and cellular pro
teins. The Bcl-2 and Bcl-x proteins enhance the survival of lymphocyte
s and other cell types but do not promote their proliferation. High le
vels of Bar or of a smaller Bcl-x variant antagonize the survival func
tion of Bcl-2. The mechanism by which Bcl-2 promotes cell survival rem
ains unknown, but it appears to require association with Bar. Bcl-2 ma
y combat the action of cysteine proteases thought to trigger apoptosis
. Bcl-2 is not essential for embryogenesis or lymphoid development. Ho
wever, upregulation of Bcl-2 appears to be the normal mechanism for po
sitive selection of developing lymphocytes, and its continued expressi
on is critical for survival of mature peripheral B and T cells. Consti
tutive expression of Bcl-2 does not abrogate deletion of self-reactive
lymphocytes, nor disturb T lymphoid homeostasis; however, it substant
ially increases the pool of mature noncycling B cells. The risk of B l
ymphoid tumors is also enhanced, probably because Bcl-2 can counterman
d the apoptotic action of other oncoproteins such as Myc. Expression i
n tumors of bcl-2 and other cell survival genes may constitute a major
barrier to the success of genotoxic cancer therapy.