The diversity of mycorrhizal fungi does not follow patterns of plant d
iversity, and the type of mycorrhiza may regulate plant species divers
ity. For instance, coniferous forests of northern latitudes may have m
ore than 1000 species of ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungi where only a few e
ctomycorrhizal plant species dominate, but there are fewer than 25 spe
cies of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in tropical deciduous forest
in Mexico with 1000 plant species. AM and EM fungi are distributed ac
cording to biome, with AM fungi predominant in arid and semiarid biome
s, and EM fungi predominant in mesic biomes. In addition, AM fungi ten
d to be more abundant in soils of low organic matter, perhaps explaini
ng their predominance in moist tropical forest, and EM fungi generally
occur in sails with higher surface organic matter. EM fungi are relat
ively selective of host plant species, while AM tend to be generalists
. Similar morphotypes of AM fungi collected from different sites confe
r different physiological benefits to the same plant species. While th
e EM fungi have taxonomic diversity, the AM fungi must have physiologi
cal diversity for individual species to be so widespread, as supported
by existing studies. The environmental adaptations of mycorrhizal fun
gi are often thought to be determined by their host plant, but we sugg
est that the physiology and genetics of the fungi themselves, along wi
th their responses to the plant and the environment, regulates their d
iversity. We observed that one AM plant species, Artemisia tridentata,
was associated with different fungal species across its range, indica
ting that the fungi can respond to the environment directly and must n
ot do so indirectly via the host. Different species of fungi were also
active during different times of the growing season on the same host,
again suggesting a direct response to the environment. These patterns
suggest that even within a single ''functional group'' of microorgani
sms, mycorrhizal fungi, considerable diversity exists. A number of res
earchers have expressed the concept of functional redundancy within fu
nctional groups of microorganisms, implying that the loss of a few spe
cies would not be detectable in ecosystem functioning. However, there
may be high functional diversity of AM fungi within and across habitat
s, and high species diversity as well for EM fungi. If one species of
mycorrhizal fungus becomes extinct in a habitat, field experimental da
ta on AM fungi suggest there may be significant shifts in how plants a
cquire resources and grow in that habitat.