WE investigated the expression of preproenkephalin mRNA in the rat tha
lamus by in situ hybridization histochemistry using a radiolabelled fu
ll-length cRNA probe. Enkephalinergic neurones were present in the ven
tral thalamus, epithalamus, and intralaminar and midline nuclei of the
dorsal thalamus. The largest number of labelled cell bodies was found
in the zona incerta, the fields of Forel, and the ventral lateral gen
iculate, thalamic reticular, central medial and central lateral nuclei
. Sparse labelling was present in the parafascicular, paracentral, par
aventricular, and lateral habenular nuclei. The principal nuclei of th
e dorsal thalamus were unlabelled. The distribution of the enkephaline
rgic neurones suggests an involvement in arousal and attentional mecha
nisms, being in line with the sedative effects of exogenous opioids.