Extracellular adenine nucleotides interact with Pz-purinergic receptor
s to regulate a broad range of physiological processes. These receptor
s include the P-2Y-, P-2U-, P-2T, P-2X-, and P-2Z-purinergic receptor
subtypes. This review focuses on the first three of these receptor sub
types, which couple to G proteins and regulate the inositol lipid, cyc
lic AMP, and other second-messenger signaling cascades. Both pharmacol
ogical data and the occurrence of selectivity of coupling to second-me
ssenger pathways indicate the existence of multiple members in several
of the classes of P-2-purinergic receptor subtypes. Complementary DNA
s cloned for P-2Y- and P-2U-purinergic receptors predict proteins with
seven transmembrane-spanning motifs, typical of that of other G prote
in-linked receptors.