This was a multicenter, randomized, doable-blind, parallel trial condu
cted in outpatients in three Eo countries. Following screening and pla
cebo washout, patients received brofaromine (a combined MAO-A inhibito
r/5-HT transport inhibitor) or placebo in a flexible dosing design. Ba
sed upon the CAPS, a standardized post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD
) interview, findings from a cohort involving both subchronic and chro
nic traumatic stress marginally favored brofaromine over placebo; howe
ver not to a statistically significant degree. With a more conservatio
n definition of the syndrome, employing a primary cohort of patients w
ith PTSD of one year or greater duration, brofaromine significantly re
duced PTSD symptoms in comparison with placebo. in all analyses a subs
tantial proportion of patients in both drug and placebo groups remaine
d symptomatic throughout. Findings mere supported try an analysis of s
econdary measures. Brofaromine may be of benefit in the therapy of PTS