There is a growing tendency for learning in the workplace to be seen a
s a managerial function rather than as the responsibility of education
alists. As managers prepare to take a more active role in facilitating
professional education, they need to consider the extent to which the
ir organizational arrangements help or hinder the learning of professi
onal skills. There is a potential risk that the development of importa
nt clinical practice skills may be inadvertently overlooked, because o
f the kind of organizational arrangements in force. This paper outline
s alternative approaches to organizational development, explaining the
basis for implementing 'holographic principles' when planning a syste
m. A situational analysis carried out in an inner-city community provi
der unit revealed an alternative, more directive and fragmented arrang
ement. The analysis is used to illustrate how a focus on developing th
e organization as a learning environment during periods of rapid and m
ultiple change can also help to promote clinical nursing skills.