Attention has been paid to active filters for power conditioning which
provide the following multifunctions: reactive power compensation, ha
rmonic compensation, flicker/imbalance compensation, and/or voltage re
gulation. Active filters in a range of 50 kVA-60 MVA have been practic
ally installed in Japan. Ln the near future, the term ''active filters
'' will have a much wider meaning than it did in the 1970's. For insta
nce, active filters intended for harmonic solutions are expanding thei
r functions from harmonic compensation of nonlinear loads into harmoni
c isolation between utilities and consumers, and harmonic damping thro
ughout power distribution systems. This paper presents the present sta
tus of active filters based on state-of-the-art power electronics tech
nology. and their future prospects and directions toward the 21st cent
ury, including the personal views and expectations of the author.