The growth and characterization of epitaxial and polycrystalline diamo
nd films co-doped with phosphorus and nitrogen using hot filament chem
ical vapour deposition are reported. Secondary ion mass spectrometry a
nalysis indicates that for epitaxial diamond films, the concentration
of phosphorus ranges from 2 x 10(16) to 3.6 x 10(17) atoms cm(-3) and
that of nitrogen from 4 x 10(17) to 3 x 10(18) atoms cm(-3), depending
on the diamond substrate orientations. The experimental results also
show that (111) is the orientation most ready to incorporate both phos
phorus and nitrogen, while (100) finds it most difficult to incorporat
e these impurities. In all cases of epitaxial diamond films the nitrog
en concentration is about one order of magnitude higher than that of p
hosphorus. However, for polycrystalline diamond films, the concentrati
ons of phosphorus and nitrogen are approximately the same, 2 x 10(19)
and 3 x 10(19) atoms cm(-3) respectively.