The main aim of this study was to test the relative organization of th
ree of the stages of Sanders' 1990 information processing model: ''fea
tures extraction'', ''response choice'', and ''motor adjustement''. Th
e variables influencing these stages: stimulus degradation, stimulus-r
esponse (SR) compatibility and preparatory period have been manipulate
d. Event related potentials (N100, N200, P300) and reaction rime were
recorded from ten healthy subjects, in a dichotic listening task. Reac
tion times are lengthened for degraded stimuli, in the absence of a pr
eparatory period and for SR non compatible conditions, However, the in
teraction between preparatory period and stimulus degradation variable
s, suggests an overlaping of the corresponding stages contrary to Sand
ers' postulate. The non compatible condition increases the latency of
N200 and P300 components. The results suggest that the response choice
processing would be contemporary to the N200 component. They are disc
ussed within the framework of models of early communication between se
nsory and motor systems.