The present study, conducted in collaboration between the Departments
of Psychiatry in Swiss Universities and the World Health Organization,
had two main goals: to develop assessment methods which could subsequ
ently be used in the Swiss centres in a standard manner; and to make a
rrangements for continuing collaboration between the centres in Switze
rland and the acquisition of new knowledge about the distinctions betw
een depression and cognitive impairment. For this aim, three different
groups of elderly patients of either sex were selected during the per
iod of November 1989 to July 1991 for inclusion in the study. The firs
t two groups included the first ten patients of either sex over 60 yea
rs of age consecutively contacting the participating institutions and
showing depression with or without clinically significant symptoms of
cognitive impairment; the control group included patients showing no d
epression or clinically significant symptoms of cognitive impairment.
A total of 125 patients were included in the initial evaluation, 69 of
which were reassessed at a seven-month follow up (on average). Each p
atient was administered a number of clinician-rated or self-report ins
truments for the assessment of depression, cognitive impairment, disab
ilities, physical status and onset of disorders. The study has shown t
hat a variety of instruments can be used for the reliable assessment o
f depression or cognitive impairment in the elderly; but the instrumen
ts for the assessment of depression differentiate only poorly between
patients with or without cognitive impairment. Because of the importan
ce of identifying both depressed and cognitively impaired patients amo
ng the elderly, different assessment instruments targeted at the diffe
rent symptom clusters need to be administered simultaneously.