Capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) and reversed anionic capillary is
otachophoresis (CITP) conditions have been developed for the separatio
n of mixtures comprised of monophosphate nucleosides, pyridine and fla
vin dinucleotides, and monophosphate dinucleosides. Results for the on
-line coupling of CZE and CITP with electrospray ionization mass spect
rometry (MS) are presented. CITP-tandem MS is utilized to provide both
molecular weight and structural information of monophosphate dinucleo
sides. The fragmentation pattern of dinucleotides in the low collision
energy range is described. The resulting mass spectra are readily int
erpreted in terms of dinucleotide structures. These results demonstrat
e the new capability for applications for the study of DNA and RNA.