A questionnaire study was undertaken to assess the influence of recent
ly published, simple and conclusive research on the practice of anaest
hetists in four centres. The research had clearly demonstrated the ben
efit of subcutaneous infiltration of local anaesthetic in reducing the
pain of intravenous cannulation. Of the 81% who responded, 71% were a
ware of the research; 43% of these anaesthetists had altered their cli
nical practice as a result of the research and 73% used local anaesthe
sia for cannulae of 18 gauge or less, compared with only 46% of those
who were unaware of the research. Practice comparisons were made betwe
en centres and grades of anaesthetist. Senior house officers were sign
ificantly less likely to be aware of the research than other grades. A
nomalies were identified between the apparent awareness of the researc
h and routine practice agreeing with the study findings. The value of
research and the incorporation of clinical findings into everyday prac
tice is discussed.