In this work, fault location based on a fault dictionary is considered
at the chip level. To justify the use of a precomputed dictionary in
terms of computation time, the computational effort invested in comput
ing a dictionary is first analyzed. The number of circuit diagnoses th
at need to be performed dynamically, without the use of precomputed kn
owledge, before the overall diagnosis effort exceeds the effort of com
puting a dictionary, is studied. Experimental results on ISCAS-85 circ
uits show that for relatively small numbers of diagnoses, a precompute
d dictionary is more efficient than dynamic diagnosis. Next, a method
to derive small dictionaries without losing resolution of modeled faul
ts is proposed, based on extended pass/fail analysis. The same procedu
re is applicable for selecting internal observation points to increase
the resolution of the test set. Methods to compact the resulting dict
ionary further, using compaction techniques generally applied to fault
detection, are then described. Experimental results are presented to
demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.