The foil method and metallographic studies of powdered material partic
le orientation in specimens subjected to loading are used to show that
upon regular reflection of colliding shock waves the flow in the regi
on where they branch is homogeneous. A well expressed high-speed flow
of material behind the Mach wavefront exists for irregular reflections
. In the shock wave branching region, two qualitatively different flow
regimes are possible: without high-speed flow slippage, and with such
slippage. Flow without slippage is Sound at shock wave amplitudes belo
w same threshold value, dependent on the initial density of the powder
ed metal. A transition zone in the form of a viscous wake exists at th
e boundary of the high-speed and low-speed flows. A numerical solution
of the model problem of mixing of two homogeneous flows of viscous li
quid was carried our. By comparing calculation results to experiments
which recorded characteristic viscous wake parameters, it was establis
hed that the effective viscosity of a shock-compressed copper powder w
ith dispersion less than or equal to 60 mu m comprises similar to 0.01
m(2)/sec, with the material remaining in the solid state at a density
close to that of a monolithic specimen.