Axonal forms of autosomal dominant hereditary motor and sensory neurop
athies (HMSNs) represent a heterogeneous group of disorders based on g
enetic linkage studies. We recently identified one large family with a
xonal HMSN exhibiting linkage to chromosome 3q, designated HMSN IIB, a
nd report here the clinical and electrodiagnostic features. We clinica
lly evaluated 10 individuals with HMSN IIB and performed detailed elec
trophysiologic studies in 5 of these patients. HMSN IIB is characteriz
ed clinically by the presence of distal symmetric motor weakness and p
rominent sensory loss affecting the lower extremities with preserved a
nkle reflexes. Symptomatic age at onset is in the second or early thir
d decade of life. Six patients with HMSN IIB had distal trophic ulcera
tions in the feet, leading to eventual toe amputations in four cases.
Electrodiagnostic studies confirmed a distal sensorimotor axonopathy i
nvolving the lower limbs with normal motor conduction velocities. Tibi
al II-reflexes were preserved in HMSN IIB, despite the uniform loss of
sural nerve potentials. Overall, individuals with HMSN IIB demonstrat
ed a consistent clinical and electrodiagnostic phenotype that had no o
verlap with genetically unaffected family members. The identification
of specific clinical and electrodiagnostic features of HMSN IIB may pr
ove useful in the diagnosis and differentiation between various subtyp
es of HMSN II.